Mid-America Industries Grand Sport
Someone buy this Grand Sport so we can close this internet tab and forget about it—Seriously.
Grand Sport replicas are pretty uncommon on the used market, and for good reason. GM and its legal team have pursued almost every company to build a Grand Sport replica, and have done so with great success. If you’re looking for a new GS, you’re probably looking at a Chevrolet-licensed Superformance. While they’re without a doubt some of the best-looking replicas on the market today, that quality comes with a higher price tag. If you’re looking for something a little cheaper, we suggest you grab a trailer and head to Redding California before this deal is gone.
This GS replica started life as a standard ’64 Corvette before it was transformed into a GS at Mid America Industries, a long-time seller of GS body panels and parts. All the right Grand Sport touches are present on the exterior and the seller claims that the bodywork has been done to a perfect finish. The Corvette’s stock running gear has been replaced with ’96 Corvette suspension and anti-lock brakes. A Chevy small block powers the GS and has been accentuated with side-draft carbs. A Richmond five-speed transmission has been added to give the GS longer legs on the highway.
It’ll take about $85,000 to be the next owner of this Grand Sport, which actually seems to be a pretty good deal. The seller claims that it would cost $120,000 to replicate this GS, and he’s probably right. Nice C2 Vettes sell for $50-$60,000 all day and this car has more than $20,000 invested into its GS transformation. And on top of that, it’s rare that we see Grand Sports of any kind for much less than $100K.
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