Holley Vintage Series LS Valve Covers
New Vintage Series valve covers from Holley help add nostalgic flavor to modern Chevrolet LS engines. The two-piece design features a standard valve cover, along with an additional cover that hides ignition coils and wiring used on GM LS1, 2,3,6 and 7 engines. Cast-in provisions for spark plug boots and coil-wiring harnesses make it simpler to conceal coils, eliminating the need for relocation kits, extended wire harnesses and custom spark plug wires. Valve covers utilize an internally-baffled ventilation system and easily clear valvetrain components.
Each set comes with a low-profile billet oil-fill cap and 12-point dress-up hardware and spacers necessary to mount Gen I and Gen V-style LS coil bodies. Covers are available in natural cast, polished, satin black, factory orange, and gloss red finishes.
270/782-2900 | www.holley.com.

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